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Resources for influencers

As a parent, carer, educator, or career adviser, you have an incredible opportunity to support and inspire young people who want to become doctors. You'll guide them through the admissions process with the goal of securing an offer to study medicine in Scotland. Your Med Future provides resources, tools, and tips to help you offer advice and guidance to our future doctors.

Supporting young people with their career journey into medicine

Skills Development Scotland carried out its Pupil Voice survey in 2024. The results indicate that parents, carers, educators, and career advisers significantly influence young people's career decisions.

Find out more about the Skills Development Scotland Pupil Voice survey 2024.

Curating useful, accurate, and relevant resources

Your Med Future aims to curate reliable, accurate information rather than overwhelm you with every resource we can find. NHSScotland aspires to be the future employer of choice for Scottish medical students. Our focus is, therefore, studying and working in Scotland.

We encourage you to bookmark this page, which will continue to evolve, as we add links to useful, relevant online resources.