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How to become a public health librarian

To become a public health librarian, you’ll need a post graduate level qualification. You can also apply for roles with 2 years of equivalent experience, such as delivering knowledge management services in a public health or healthcare environment.  

What is a public health librarian?

A public health librarian delivers specialist knowledge services to internal and external service users. They lead on the delivery of knowledge services, making sure that the organisation has high-quality resources to support its staff. 

What is a public health librarian?
public health librarian

Starting your career as a public health librarian

Choosing subjects at school

School subjects  that could lead to a career as a public health librarian include:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Information Systems 
  • Business Studies

Speak to your guidance teacher about subjects offered at your school.

Work placements and volunteering

Work placements and volunteering

You may find it helpful to get some healthcare experience by doing a work placement or volunteering. You’ll get training, increase your knowledge, and learn new skills. This could help you when applying to college or a new job with NHSScotland. 

Education and training pathway

College and university

You can apply for a university undergraduate degree programme directly from school. Otherwise, you may choose to go to college first. You can study for an HNC at SCQF level 7 or an HND at SCQF level 8 to get you into university. There are lots of courses that are useful if you're interested in a career in knowledge services:

  • Library and Information Services  HNC   
  • Administration and Information Technology HND

Widening access

Widening participation supports adult learners who want to go to university. If you’re an adult with few or no qualifications, you could get into higher education through the Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP). Many universities also provide access programmes to help you get the degree entry qualifications you need.

Degree programmes

If you choose to go to university, from school or college, there are several relevant undergraduate degree subjects that could lead to a career as a public health librarian, including:

  • English
  • History
  • Psychology
  • Linguistics

If you already have an undergraduate degree at SCQF level 10, you may also consider applying for a postgraduate programme. When you graduate, you can apply for a range of roles which may lead to a career as a public health librarian.  

There are 3 universities in Scotland that offer postgraduate qualifications in information and library studies:

  • University of Strathclyde
  • Robert Gordon University
  • Glasgow University

Course search

Search for college courses on My World of Work.

Get to know the role

You will provide tailored literature searches, and evidence and information management support. In your role you will liaise with external stakeholders to understand their information needs and providing them with timely access to relevant resources. You will also contribute to the development of knowledge, such as reviews, reports, and guidance documents, making sure that they meet with the priorities and goals of the organisation.

As a public health librarian, you’ll support NHS Scotland staff and external stakeholders with their information needs. Stakeholders include:

  • Scottish Government
  • NHS boards
  • higher education institutions
  • local authorities
  • research organisations
  • third sector organisations

Public health librarians need these skills:

  • data analysis
  • research
  • attention to detail
  • teamworking

You could work with:

  • knowledge services assistant
  • library services manager
  • health librarian

You could work in:

  • hospital library
  • community library
  • public health library
  • national public health bodies

Learning and development

You will be encouraged to develop your career in the NHS. As well as learning specific to your role, you'll need to complete mandatory training, including:

  • health and safety
  • occupational health
  • fire safety
  • counter-fraud
  • moving and handling
  • safe information handling

Your NHS employer will confirm their mandatory training requirements during your induction.

Career progression

You’ll be encouraged to develop in your role at NHSScotland. With experience you could progress to:

  • library services manager
  • head of library and knowledge services

Speak to your manager about training and development opportunities available to you. 

Professional bodies

Membership of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) is desirable for this role. Once you have gained membership with CILIP you can access:

  • professional development
  • accreditation
  • resources, including journals and research papers
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