NHSScotland Careers
21 March 2025
•5 min read

My NHS career
I started working at NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in 2021. Before that I did contract work in some of the NHSScotland Regional Boards. I also worked in a range of sectors, including the Third Sector, Education, Public and Private Sectors, the Scottish Prison Service, and the Scottish Government.
My roles have included work in homelessness, domestic abuse support, and race and disability equality. All of this experience has given me a valuable understanding of equality, diversity, and inclusion. It’s such a crucial subject in the workplace, making sure all our staff have the same opportunities and are treated fairly.
My current role in NES is equality and diversity staff networks and learning officer. This involves designing and delivering online and in-person workshops. I create learning and development materials to support NES and the wider health and social care workforce. These resources can be found in the Equality and Diversity Zone on Turas Learn.
I also support our staff network groups, including the following:
- LGBTQ+ staff network
- Underrepresented ethnic minority staff network
- Parents and carers staff network
- Disability, long-term conditions, neurodiversity and mental health staff network
There is also a group for NES-employed neurodiverse doctors and dentists in training, known as the Neuro Bureau. And we have a Menopause meet-up. Both of these groups are run in collaboration with other NES colleagues.
We use Microsoft Teams channels for each staff network. Colleagues can join the channel to attend meetings and communicate with each other as network members or allies.
Supporting the staff network groups
I began supporting the staff network groups when they were established in 2020. An important part of my role is to act as a link between the staff networks and the wider organisation. It’s important that we continually consult and engage lived-experience colleagues.
For instance, when colleagues are developing policies, they may consult with those in the staff networks. This helps to make sure their views are heard and incorporated. Or a focus session may be held with those in a staff network to discuss a particular issue. This can provide valuable insights from those with lived experience.
Coaching and mentoring
I also coach and mentor colleagues and raise any issues or concerns that arise through the staff networks. Each quarter, the chairs of all the staff network groups come together. We regularly meet with the associate director for workforce. This gives us an opportunity to talk about the groups' wider themes and concerns and how NES can address them.
Peer support
The main purpose of our staff networks is peer support and an opportunity to discuss current issues. The groups meet for 90 minutes. The first 30 minutes are for the main topics on the agenda and for other colleagues and allies to attend. The remaining 60 minutes are reserved for lived experience colleagues. The network administrators then leave so that members have a space to talk to each other in a safe environment.
Raising awareness of diversity and inclusion
Here at NES, we also raise awareness of diversity through events and celebrations. These include:
- Pride Week
- Race Equality Week
- Neurodiversity Week
- Carers Week
- International Women’s Day
- Disability History Month
- Black History Month
Each staff network group has a chair and vice chair. These are volunteer roles, on top of their normal daily work responsibilities. I see some of my work as being a support and mentor to colleagues who have taken up these roles.
There are staff network groups across each of the NHSScotland Boards. I set up a quarterly meeting for all staff network coordinators. We also use Microsoft Teams to communicate as a group. This helps us share our skills across the different teams, ideas for events, and equality and diversity initiatives.
Joining a staff network
In NES, we signpost to the networks in several ways. We have an online equality and diversity hub, which contains a section with information about our staff networks. I also issue email reminders about staff network meetings, which provide a regular prompt.
We also provide equality and diversity training for our staff, and colleagues become aware of the staff network groups through that too. There’s word of mouth too, where members of the staff networks recommend them to others.
We encourage allies and colleagues with lived experience to join our staff networks. Allies often join because they appreciate the genuine and valuable insight and viewpoint of those within the group. Members are encouraged to join multiple networks, to support colleagues, raise awareness, and broaden their knowledge.
Current initiatives
There are lots of current equality, diversity, and inclusion initiatives across NES and the wider NHS in Scotland.
Anti-race action plans
This year, each NHSScotland Board has been asked to produce an anti-race action plan. These plans will proactively help combat racism and racial discrimination, aiming to create a more equitable and inclusive working environment.
We are now discussing what that means for our staff networks and how they can support the action plan. There is also a National Ethnic Minority Forum, which brings chairs and members of health board networks together. Its aim is to discuss priorities to progress race equality across NHS Scotland with the Scottish Government.
Parents and carers network hybrid working survey
Last year, NES's parents and carers network conducted a staff survey with the network. Colleagues were asked about hybrid working and how it impacted their roles as parents or carers. We’ve now received responses and feedback. Focus group sessions will be arranged to discover more about the themes that arose. The outcome will be shared with the NES senior management team.
Stories for change podcast
NES has a Disability, long-term conditions, neurodiversity and mental health staff network. They are looking at how to support neurodiverse colleagues. They created content about the topic, which has been published in the Equality and Diversity Zone on Turas Learn. It's available to all health and social care staff and includes podcasts about how to create inclusive workplaces for neurodivergent colleagues.
NES Equality and diversity: Stories for change podcast | NHS Education for Scotland
Inclusive social events for staff
Staff networks are reviewing guidance to support ideas for inclusive social staff events. This includes suitable locations and tips for non-work social activities that consider noise, environment and accessibility.
Staff networks are important for both individuals and organisations. They foster a sense of inclusion and belonging and can be drivers of change in making workplaces more equitable.