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Driving disability inclusion

Margaret gives an insight into the Disability Employee Network at NHS Lothian. The group welcomes colleagues who identify as disabled, neurodivergent, or those with a long-term health condition.
Driving disability inclusion

My career journey

I’ve worked at NHS Scotland for over 20 years. When I began there, it wasn’t NHS Lothian, it was known as Lothian Primary Care Trust (PCT). I was an administrator, and as part of my role, I set up a database to manage and monitor the working hours of nurses. To maintain compliance, I also managed the working rotas for junior doctors and then all the rotas within Lothian PCT. At that time, the working rotas of each PCT had to be compliant. Lothian PCT was one of the first to do this, reaching 100% compliance. I was told that my work had saved the organisation a substantial sum of money in driving workforce efficiencies. 

I was then seconded to work with the Scottish Government for a year. This was right at the start of the Agenda for Change, aimed at policy priorities, reforming plans and improving public services. I helped to embed some of those. When I returned to my NHS work, Lothian PCT had become NHS Lothian. Back in the NHS, I worked as an assistant service manager, then I worked on a special project for HR, looking at workforce data compliance. After working in strategic planning in older people’s services for about 7 years, I moved into Women and Children’s Services. I’ve been here ever since.  

Misfortune at the train station 

There is a statistic that states 45% of people acquire their disability during their working lives. I’m one of that 45%.  It was 2015.  I was on my way to work and heading up the steps at Waverley Train Station in Edinburgh.  Some of the floor tiles had plastic notifications saying, ‘Don’t take your child in a pushchair on the escalator.’  I was in a hurry and speed walking.  I lost my balance and slipped on one of the plastic signs. I ended up with a bimalleolar fracture with a talar shift. This is where the ligaments on the inside part of the ankle are injured, and a bone is broken. The accident sliced all the nerves in my foot and tore the tendons in my knee. I lost the feeling in my foot and my leg had to be plated and pinned.   

A few years later I fell again at work and damaged my hip. I now use 2 crutches and have the use of a Motability Scheme car. 

Proudly representing disability at NHS Lothian 

My experiences shaped my decision to become the disability officer for the trade union, Unison The union represents staff who provide public services in the public and private sectors.  I also became part of the Disability Employee Network (DEN) at NHS Lothian, which was set up around 2019. 

The disability passport 

DEN was instrumental in creating 2 initiatives.  The disability passport is a document completed by a disabled employee and their line manager. It provides a framework to support discuss the employee’s health. and reasonable adjustments they may need. Once the changes have been agreed, the document is signed to show that the adjustment is agreed. 

Members of DEN had full input into the creation of the passport. As a staff network, we work hard to raise awareness of the passport and support line managers to use it effectively. We also work to advise staff members and managers about the Equality Act 2010. This includes what is covered in the act about disability, including hidden disabilities that are not immediately apparent to colleagues and patients. 

Another important aspect of the disability passport is that a disabled colleague can choose to share as much information as they are comfortable with. What is shared and with whom is up to them. Also, the passport is reviewed regularly to see if the adjustments are still appropriate and effective. 

Should the employee’s manager change, the signed passport remains in place for 6 months before the new manager can hold a discussion about the passport arrangements. The passport remains with the individual. So, for instance, if they change jobs within the organisation, it goes with them to their new role. Any reasonable adjustment equipment also goes with them to their new role. 

Reasonable adjustments 

We also have a reasonable adjustment guidance document. This is aimed at helping staff to understand the principles for required adjustments for disabled employees. Under the Equality Act 2010 public sector organisations must make changes in their approach or provision to ensure that services are accessible. Reasonable adjustments for employees can include different IT equipment, desk or seat arrangements, office lighting and so on. It’s also important to note that reasonable adjustments don’t have to cost lots of money.  It could be that an employee comes into work later and stays on longer if they need to take medication at certain times. They may need to use a different entrance to get to work or have use of a seat nearer the window. 


Quiet spaces 

Another initiative we’re spearheading is putting in quiet rooms in as many NHS Lothian workplaces as possible. However, sometimes colleagues see an empty room and decide to use it as an ad hoc meeting room! These quiet rooms are for colleagues who just need some space to feel calm. It can be challenging to find suitable space in a busy acute hospital site, where space is at a premium. However, we’re keen to make sure these wellbeing rooms are comfortable, with a suitable environment. 


An educational role 

DEN has an influencing and educational role in advising colleagues around the business. For example, we regularly run lunch and learn sessions for colleagues. We invite members of staff and present on topics such as disability discrimination. We can get around 50 colleagues attending these online during their lunch hour. 

Our group meets monthly. Online meetings are at various times, so we can accommodate as many people as possible. The NHS Lothian board has agreed that colleagues can have a dedicated hour each month to attend these meetings. 

I’d like to sum up by saying how I’m proud of the work we’ve undertaken to support disability rights for those working at NHS Lothian. I know many of the other regional NHS Scotland boards have their own initiatives. It’s important that we all learn and share best practice with each other.  

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