NHSScotland Careers
03 March 2023
•2 min read

Matthew's story
Matthew is doing a modern apprenticeship to help him towards his career goal of becoming a qualified mechanical engineer.
Before Matthew started his Modern Apprenticeship, he was in school.
"I found out about the modern apprenticeship programme when I was discussing my career options with a careers adviser."
The Modern Apprenticeship appealed to Matthew because he liked the idea of a hands-on role instead of working in an office. The apprenticeship programme has helped him gain the knowledge, skills, and qualifications he'll need to further his career in mechanical engineering. It is also helping him become independent.
Balancing work and study
Matthew says the best thing about his job is his level of responsibility. "I get to work through jobs on my iPad depending on the priority. No two days are the same." Matthew gets time allocated at work to do some studying. He also does coursework at home.
Learning new skills
There are lots of essential skills for mechanical engineers. Matthew says, "Sense-making is an important skill for my job. I need to understand the problem well and what I will do to fix it."
Why you should choose a Modern Apprenticeship
If you're thinking about doing a Modern Apprenticeship, Matthew has some words of advice, "I encourage others to go for a Modern Apprenticeship. I didn't fancy the idea of going to university or college. Like me, earning and learning in a hands-on role might suit you better."

Start your NHS career with a Modern Apprenticeship
There are lots of opportunities across the NHS. Find the right Modern Apprenticeship for you.